Retention rates for mentored employees are more than 50% higher than those that aren’t and arguably have a bigger impact on retention than salary raises.
All employees need equal access to opportunities that leverage their strengths and abilities while allowing them to grow into a career. By engaging with workplace mentoring, companies are progressively utilizing mentors to nurture not just job-specific competencies but also to enhance soft skills like establishing relationships, fostering critical and creative thinking, making decisions, facilitating feedback exchange, and cultivating influence among younger employees.
Whether you are interested in starting a corporate mentoring program within your organization or are looking to encourage long-time employees to act more “mentor-like” with other colleagues, MENTOR Rhode Island can help. Become a corporate champion of the mentoring movement today!
This is a great training or professional development opportunity to get you started!
Supervisors and employees will be equipped with skills to support the fostering of positive relationships, setting and meeting professional goals, and practicing a growth mindset in the face of challenges. We’ll develop your staff’s ability to encourage professional and personal growth, integrating effective coaching methods into how your staff give and receive feedback.
“This is the best training I have ever been to…everyone needs access to this training!”
“I am very satisfied! I feel like I have several takeaways that will be beneficial.”
“Information was clear, easy to follow, and extremely helpful. The presenter was fun, personable, and knowledgeable!”
“I loved the interactive moments. This training really helped me grow and learn as a teacher.”